International Humanitarian Law

Youth Action Campaign

The mission of the IHL Youth Action Campaign is to bring awareness and educate the youth on IHL to achieve a greater understanding and respect for these invaluable laws.

What is IHL?

IHL stands for International Humanitarian Law, which are the international rules and regulations which work to minimize human suffering during times of war and conflict.

Why is IHL important?

IHL defends human lives and rights when all other measures to maintain order and stability have been rendered ineffective due to war or extended conflict.
IHL directly protects those who are not direct participants of active warfare such as civilians and the sick and wounded.

Key Principles of IHL

= military necessity
= distinction
= proportionality
= prevention of unnecessary suffering


Parties to a conflict should not conduct an attack if the anticipated loss of civilian lives, and harm to civilian property is excessive in relation to the direct and concrete advantage to be gained.

Military Necessity

Parties to a conflict may engage in military action that aims to defeat enemies and do not violate IHL.


All parties to a conflict must distinguish between civilians and combatants and between military objectives and civilian objects. They also must distinguish themselves so no one is confused as to who is a combatant and who is a civilian

Prevention of Unnecessary Suffering

Parties to a conflict should not use means and methods of warfare that cause unnecessary suffering. The means* and methods** should be design to inflict more damage than necessary to achieve military goals

*tools or weapons used to carry out military attacks
**strategies and tactics used to carry out an attack